On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 10:50:15 -0430,
  Patrick O'Callaghan <pocallag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-03-17 at 09:15 -0600, Linuxguy123 wrote:
> [...]
> > So SIP Witch is a SIP server, meaning that I could get a SIP capable
> > phone, set up SIP Witch with a POTS connection and connect my phone
> > through SIP Witch to the phone system ?
> I've no idea what SIP Witch is. RTFM. But consider this: if it's a
> server it has to be connected to the net. Connecting to a simple POTS
> line with no network on top of it isn't going to get you anything.

I wouldn't go that far. You can do fun stuff within your house independent
of whether or not you are connected to POTS and/or the internet.

You can get hardware that will either talk to phones or the telco for
prices that are not cheap, but not out of line for a hobbiest. Unfortunately
the people that produce the most popular driver for such hardware refuse
to upstream their GPL code so that they can dual license it. So the code
isn't available in Fedora and using it from ATRPMS is dicey if you like to
track recent kernels or rawhide.

I have a play setup at home, but currently am just using it as an intercom
system between upstairs and downstairs. I don't have a POTS connection
currently and was having some issues with some things I was doing to connect
the phones to a SIP/IAX server (asterisk) and haven't made time to play with
it recently.
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