On Wed, 2010-03-17 at 10:54 -0500, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 10:50:15 -0430,
>   Patrick O'Callaghan <pocallag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Wed, 2010-03-17 at 09:15 -0600, Linuxguy123 wrote:
> > [...]
> > > So SIP Witch is a SIP server, meaning that I could get a SIP capable
> > > phone, set up SIP Witch with a POTS connection and connect my phone
> > > through SIP Witch to the phone system ?
> > 
> > I've no idea what SIP Witch is. RTFM. But consider this: if it's a
> > server it has to be connected to the net. Connecting to a simple POTS
> > line with no network on top of it isn't going to get you anything.
> I wouldn't go that far. You can do fun stuff within your house independent
> of whether or not you are connected to POTS and/or the internet.
> You can get hardware that will either talk to phones or the telco for
> prices that are not cheap, but not out of line for a hobbiest. Unfortunately
> the people that produce the most popular driver for such hardware refuse
> to upstream their GPL code so that they can dual license it. So the code
> isn't available in Fedora and using it from ATRPMS is dicey if you like to
> track recent kernels or rawhide.

Tell me more about this, please.

> I have a play setup at home, but currently am just using it as an intercom
> system between upstairs and downstairs. I don't have a POTS connection
> currently and was having some issues with some things I was doing to connect
> the phones to a SIP/IAX server (asterisk) and haven't made time to play with
> it recently.

I never thought of that... get a bunch of VOIP phones, preferably
wireless and one could implement a pretty neat home phone system.  That
is one of our problems... all our phone messages end up in one voice
mail box and its always full.  

Does SIPWitch handle voicemail ? Will SIPWitch send an email to a user
when it receives a voicemail ?

As you can tell, telecommunications is a bit of a problem around our
house.  I'd love to solve that problem with Linux.

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