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Re: Apache zookeeper going down every 168 hours
Haruki Okada
Re: Apache zookeeper going down every 168 hours
Yogeshkumar Annadurai
Re: Apache zookeeper going down every 168 hours
Haruki Okada
Re: Apache zookeeper going down every 168 hours
Yogeshkumar Annadurai
Re: Apache zookeeper going down every 168 hours
Haruki Okada
How do we usually handle Node disconnected issue for kafka producer
Sachin Mittal
Re: How do we usually handle Node disconnected issue for kafka producer
Kamal Chandraprakash
Re: How do we usually handle Node disconnected issue for kafka producer
Sachin Mittal
outerjoin not joining after window
Chad Preisler
Re: outerjoin not joining after window
Matthias J. Sax
Re: outerjoin not joining after window
Chad Preisler
Re: outerjoin not joining after window
Matthias J. Sax
Re: outerjoin not joining after window
Chad Preisler
Re: outerjoin not joining after window
Matthias J. Sax
Re: outerjoin not joining after window
Chad Preisler
Re: outerjoin not joining after window
Chad Preisler
Re: outerjoin not joining after window
Chad Preisler
Re: outerjoin not joining after window
Matthias J. Sax
How to find out the end of the session window
Santhoshi Mekala
Re: How to find out the end of the session window
Matthias J. Sax
Re: [ANNOUNCE] New committer: Igor Soarez
Matthias J. Sax
Re: [ANNOUNCE] New committer: Igor Soarez
Luke Chen
Pulkit Saraf
Failed to initialize processor KSTREAM-AGGREGATE-0000000001
Penumarthi Durga Prasad Chowdary
Re: Failed to initialize processor KSTREAM-AGGREGATE-0000000001
Matthias J. Sax
Re: Failed to initialize processor KSTREAM-AGGREGATE-0000000001
Penumarthi Durga Prasad Chowdary
Re: Failed to initialize processor KSTREAM-AGGREGATE-0000000001
Matthias J. Sax
SQL Client fails with ClassNotFoundException when Hive dialect is chosen
Ilya Karpov
Kraft controller readiness checks
Francesco Burato
Re: Kraft controller readiness checks
Luke Chen
Re: Kraft controller readiness checks
Francesco Burato
Re: Kraft controller readiness checks
Luke Chen
Re: Kraft controller readiness checks
Dima Brodsky
Re: Kraft controller readiness checks
Francesco Burato
Does the kafka controller protocol have a backup?
Dima Brodsky
Re: Does the kafka controller protocol have a fallback?
Dima Brodsky
Re: [ANNOUNCE] New Kafka PMC Member: Greg Harris
Matthias J. Sax
Is there any recommendation about header max size?
Gabriel Giussi
Re: Is there any recommendation about header max size?
Matthias J. Sax
UnwritableMetadataException on Startup
Streams group final result: EmitStrategy vs Suppressed
Re: Streams group final result: EmitStrategy vs Suppressed
Re: Streams group final result: EmitStrategy vs Suppressed
Matthias J. Sax
Would like your feedback on Apache Kafka based data pipeline platform: Braineous
Sohil Shah
KRaft reconciling old default configs as dynamic configs
Sanaa Syed
Can two different kafka clusters be used in kafka streams for consumption from 1 cluster and produce on another cluster
Pushkar Deole
Re: Can two different kafka clusters be used in kafka streams for consumption from 1 cluster and produce on another cluster
Bruno Cadonna
The impact of SSL encryption on Kafka transmission speed.
choi ewain
Re: The impact of SSL encryption on Kafka transmission speed.
choi ewain
kafka-streams stream-table join with a grace period does not respect passed serializer?
Mickey Donaghy
Re: kafka-streams stream-table join with a grace period does not respect passed serializer?
Matthias J. Sax
Update documentation SCRAM set up with Kraft
[ANNOUNCE] Apache Kafka 3.6.2
RE: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Kafka 3.6.2
Merie Komlofske
Fix slow processing rate in Kafka streams
Nirmal Das
Re: Fix slow processing rate in Kafka streams
Matthias J. Sax
production ready for zookeeper to kraft migration
Matthieu Patou
Re: production ready for zookeeper to kraft migration
Luke Chen
Re: production ready for zookeeper to kraft migration
Matthieu Patou
Re: production ready for zookeeper to kraft migration
David Arthur
outerJoin confusion
Chad Preisler
Re: outerJoin confusion
Chad Preisler
Re: outerJoin confusion
Shashwat Pandey
Re: outerJoin confusion
Chad Preisler
Re: outerJoin confusion
Matthias J. Sax
Re: outerJoin confusion
Chad Preisler
Participate in the ASF 25th Anniversary Campaign
Brian Proffitt
Kafka capabilities
Kafka Life
Re: Kafka capabilities
Kafka Life
kafka connect support time percision
Liron Shalom
[VOTE] 3.6.2 RC2
Re: [VOTE] 3.6.2 RC2
Re: [VOTE] 3.6.2 RC2
Re: [VOTE] 3.6.2 RC2
Lianet M.
Re: [VOTE] 3.6.2 RC2
Re: [VOTE] 3.6.2 RC2
Re: [VOTE] 3.6.2 RC2
Jakub Scholz
Community Over Code NA 2024 Travel Assistance Applications now open!
Gavin McDonald
Re: [ANNOUNCE] New committer: Christo Lolov
Matthias J. Sax
Re: [ANNOUNCE] New committer: Christo Lolov
Tom Bentley
Re: [ANNOUNCE] New committer: Christo Lolov
Bill Bejeck
Messages disappearing from Kafka Streams topology
Karsten Stöckmann
Re: Messages disappearing from Kafka Streams topology
Bruno Cadonna
Re: Messages disappearing from Kafka Streams topology
Karsten Stöckmann
Re: Messages disappearing from Kafka Streams topology
mangat rai
Re: Messages disappearing from Kafka Streams topology
Karsten Stöckmann
Re: Messages disappearing from Kafka Streams topology
mangat rai
Re: Messages disappearing from Kafka Streams topology
Karsten Stöckmann
Re: Messages disappearing from Kafka Streams topology
mangat rai
Re: Messages disappearing from Kafka Streams topology
Karsten Stöckmann
Re: Messages disappearing from Kafka Streams topology
Karsten Stöckmann
Replicas not equally distributed within rack
Abhishek Singla
Re: Replicas not equally distributed within rack
Abhishek Singla
Re: Replicas not equally distributed within rack
Chia-Ping Tsai
Re: Replicas not equally distributed within rack
Abhishek Singla
Re: Replicas not equally distributed within rack
Luke Chen
Re: Replicas not equally distributed within rack
Artem Timchenko
[VOTE] 3.6.2 RC1
Re: [VOTE] 3.6.2 RC1
Announcing the Community Over Code 2024 Streaming Track
James Hughes
Kafka followers with higher leader epoch than leader
Karl Sorensen
Re: Kafka followers with higher leader epoch than leader
Kamal Chandraprakash
KRaft Migration and Kafka Controller behaviour
Sanaa Syed
Re: KRaft Migration and Kafka Controller behaviour
Paolo Patierno
Re: KRaft Migration and Kafka Controller behaviour
Sanaa Syed
Re: KRaft Migration and Kafka Controller behaviour
Paolo Patierno
Joining the Kafka Users Mailing List
Vansh Kabra
Re: Joining the Kafka Users Mailing List
Bruno Cadonna
Does Kafka wait for an fsync to send back and ACK for a published message ?
Sreyan Chakravarty
Re: Does Kafka wait for an fsync to send back and ACK for a published message ?
Haruki Okada
Re: [DISCUSS] Minimum constraint for
Divij Vaidya
Kafka Producer avoid sending more records when met exception while also keeping performance
William Lee
Re: Kafka Producer avoid sending more records when met exception while also keeping performance
Haruki Okada
Re: Kafka Producer avoid sending more records when met exception while also keeping performance
William Lee
Re: Kafka Producer avoid sending more records when met exception while also keeping performance
Greg Harris
Re: Kafka Producer avoid sending more records when met exception while also keeping performance
William Lee
Re: Kafka Producer avoid sending more records when met exception while also keeping performance
Richard Bosch
Re: Kafka Producer avoid sending more records when met exception while also keeping performance
William Lee
Re: Kafka Producer avoid sending more records when met exception while also keeping performance
Haruki Okada
Issues while setting up RBAC for Apache Kafka using Ranger
Karthik Suvarnasa
Kafka Streams 3.5.1 based app seems to get stalled
Venkatesh Nagarajan
Re: Kafka Streams 3.5.1 based app seems to get stalled
Matthias J. Sax
Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Kafka Streams 3.5.1 based app seems to get stalled
Venkatesh Nagarajan
Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Kafka Streams 3.5.1 based app seems to get stalled
Venkatesh Nagarajan
Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Kafka Streams 3.5.1 based app seems to get stalled
Bruno Cadonna
Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Kafka Streams 3.5.1 based app seems to get stalled
Venkatesh Nagarajan
Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Kafka Streams 3.5.1 based app seems to get stalled
Venkatesh Nagarajan
Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Kafka Streams 3.5.1 based app seems to get stalled
Bruno Cadonna
Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Kafka Streams 3.5.1 based app seems to get stalled
Venkatesh Nagarajan
Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Kafka Streams 3.5.1 based app seems to get stalled
Bruno Cadonna
Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Kafka Streams 3.5.1 based app seems to get stalled
Venkatesh Nagarajan
Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Kafka Streams 3.5.1 based app seems to get stalled
Matthias J. Sax
Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Kafka Streams 3.5.1 based app seems to get stalled
Venkatesh Nagarajan
Tiered storage
Lukas Zimmerman
Re: Tiered storage
Greg Harris
Authorization Issues while implementing Kafka RBAC using Ranger
Karthik Suvarnasa
Re: Authorization Issues while implementing Kafka RBAC using Ranger
Karthik Suvarnasa
[Kafka Connect] Dead letter queues for source connectors?
Yeikel Santana
Re: [Kafka Connect] Dead letter queues for source connectors?
Greg Harris
Re: [Kafka Connect] Dead letter queues for source connectors?
Chris Egerton
Re: [Kafka Connect] Dead letter queues for source connectors?
Greg Harris
Re: [Kafka Connect] Dead letter queues for source connectors?
Chris Egerton
Deadletters and custom Ser/Des in kafka
Michel Dib
MirrorMaker + Failover
Mark Anderson
Migrate kafka client to latest version
Peter Penzov
[ANNOUNCE] Apache Kafka 3.7.0
Stanislav Kozlovski
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Kafka 3.7.0
Chris Egerton
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Kafka 3.7.0
Bruno Cadonna
Re: [kafka-clients] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Kafka 3.7.0
Satish Duggana
Re: [kafka-clients] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Kafka 3.7.0
Divij Vaidya
Re: [kafka-clients] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Kafka 3.7.0
Apoorv Mittal
Kraft Multi Cluster (chroot equivalent)
Ömer Şiar Baysal
Re: Kraft Multi Cluster (chroot equivalent)
David Arthur
Re: Kraft Multi Cluster (chroot equivalent)
Ömer Şiar Baysal
Join request
kashi mori
Re: Join request
Matthias J. Sax
Kafka Streams: understanding re-key operations for joins
Karsten Stöckmann
Re: Kafka Streams: understanding re-key operations for joins
Vikram Singh
Re: Kafka Streams: understanding re-key operations for joins
Karsten Stöckmann
Possible bug on Kafka documentation
Federico Weisse
Re: Possible bug on Kafka documentation
Luke Chen
Re: Possible bug on Kafka documentation
Federico Weisse
Auth Failed issue while implementing GSSAPI auth in Nodejs app
Ketan Malwa
Community Over Code Asia 2024 Travel Assistance Applications now open!
Gavin McDonald
Kakfa Topic gets auto-created post deletion
Abhishek Singla
Re: Kakfa Topic gets auto-created post deletion
sunil chaudhari
Re: Kakfa Topic gets auto-created post deletion
sunil chaudhari
Re: Kakfa Topic gets auto-created post deletion
Abhishek Singla
Re: Kakfa Topic gets auto-created post deletion
megh vidani
Re: Kakfa Topic gets auto-created post deletion
Abhishek Singla
Re: Kakfa Topic gets auto-created post deletion
sunil chaudhari
Re: Kakfa Topic gets auto-created post deletion
Abhishek Singla
Kafka of JAVA private protocol to http protocol
Requesting Feedback for a backup solution
Re: Requesting Feedback for a backup solution
Re: Requesting Feedback for a backup solution
Ralph Weires
Request to join contributors list of apache kafka
Chen Zhifeng
Re: Request to join contributors list of apache kafka
Mickael Maison
Kafka Streams output topic configuration (specifically: Quarkus)
Karsten Stöckmann
EOS date for Kafka 3.5.1
Sahil Sharma D
Re: EOS date for Kafka 3.5.1
Matthias J. Sax
Is it possible to include only the connector name in worker logs?
Yeikel Santana
Re: Is it possible to include only the connector name in worker logs?
Greg Harris
[VOTE] 3.7.0 RC4
Stanislav Kozlovski
Re: [VOTE] 3.7.0 RC4
Josep Prat
Re: [VOTE] 3.7.0 RC4
Jakub Scholz
Re: [VOTE] 3.7.0 RC4
Paolo Patierno
Re: [VOTE] 3.7.0 RC4
Stanislav Kozlovski
How do I debug replication that never completes on Kraft/3.6.+
Rinaldo Digiorgio
KRAFT: Correct way to add a controller only node
Denny Fuchs
Re: KRAFT: Correct way to add a controller only node
Greg Harris
Re: KRAFT: Correct way to add a controller only node
Denny Fuchs
Regarding the solution implemented is correct or wrong ?
Vinay Reddy Pannala
Regarding the solution implemented is correct or wrong ?
Vinay Reddy Pannala
Compatibility with java 11 and java 178
Sahil Sharma D
Re: Compatibility with java 11 and java 178
Ralph Weires
Access kafka service through http(s) tunnel
回复: Access kafka service through http(s) tunnel
Community over Code EU 2024 Travel Assistance Applications now open!
Gavin McDonald
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