Hi, I've tested same scenario on versions 3.7.1 and 3.8.0. Seems like the problem still exists.
Does anyone managed to migrate the cluster to Kraft after performing rollback following current documentation? Any help would be appreciated. From: Zubel, Edgar Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 8:48 AM To: users@kafka.apache.org Subject: Second attempt of migration of ZK to Kraft after rollback fails Hi, Currently I'm testing this workflow: 1. Migrate ZK to Kraft (v3.7.0); 2. Stop migration process after "Enter Migration Mode on the brokers" or "Migrating brokers to KRaft" completes (this leaves the opportunity to perform rollback); 3. Perform rollback; 4. Migrate ZK to Kraft once again; After testing this scenario I was not able to perform successful migration on the second attempt after the rollback was completed. Logs that I get after migrating the cluster second time: 1. On the first node kafka logs are spamming: [2024-07-24 07:43:16,552] lvl=INFO [NodeToControllerChannelManager id=1 name=quorum] Client requested disconnect from node 3002 logger=org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient [2024-07-24 07:43:16,552] lvl=INFO [zk-broker-1-to-controller-quorum-channel-manager]: Recorded new controller, from now on will use node zubeltest2.example.com:9090 (id: 3002 rack: null) logger=kafka.server.NodeToControllerRequestThread 1. On the the third node kraft logs are spamming: [2024-07-24 07:45:25,092] lvl=INFO [QuorumController id=3002] registerBroker: event failed with NotControllerException in 15 microseconds. logger=org.apache.kafka.controller.QuorumController [2024-07-24 07:45:25,092] lvl=INFO [QuorumController id=3002] registerBroker: event failed with NotControllerException in 13 microseconds. logger=org.apache.kafka.controller.QuorumController Am I missing something? Maybe there are "leftovers" after the first migration that should be removed but are not mentioned in documentation? Edgar Zubel DevOps Engineer edgar.zu...@teliacompany.com<mailto:edgar.zu...@teliacompany.com> This email may contain information which is privileged or protected against unauthorized disclosure or communication. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and delete this message and any attachments from your system without producing, distributing or retaining copies thereof or disclosing its contents to any other person. Telia Company processes emails and other files that may contain personal data in accordance with Telia Company's Privacy Policy<https://www.teliacompany.com/en/about-the-company/privacy/>.