
KIP-418 (>=2.8) improved the branching return type from KStream<>[] to HashMap. 
This changes the output binding when using multiple branches in the Kafka 
Streams binder of Spring Cloud Stream - the bindings are possibly wrong because 
the map storing the KStream branches is unordered.

Before KIP-418, if I have multiple branches, my function could look like this:

public Function<KStream<String, String>, KStream<String, String>[]> process() {

Predicate<String, String> isHappy = (k, v) -> v.contains(":D");

Predicate<String, String> isSad = (k, v) -> v.contains(":(");

Predicate<String, String> isOwo = (k, v) -> v.toLowerCase().contains("owo");

return input.branch(isHappy, isSad, isOwo);


There is an output binding for each branch. Since the return type is a 
KStream[] where the order of branches matches the supplied order, the 
corresponding output bindings are process-out-0 (isHappy), process-out-1 
(isSad), process-out-2 (isOwo).

This changes when using the new branching impl:

public Function<KStream<String, String>, KStream<String, String>[]> process() {

return input -> {

final Map<String,KStream<String, String>> streamMap = input






return streamMap.values().toArray(new KStream[0]);



The call to HashMap<>.values() doesn't necessarily return the KStreams in 
supplied/insertion order. For example, if the order of KStreams in the return 
corresponds to isSad, isOwo, isHappy, the output bindings would become 
process-out-0 (isSad), process-out-1 (isOwo), process-out-2 (isHappy) - 
different from expected. If the map was ordered like a LinkedHashMap, the 
return order and thus the bindings would be correct.

Is this intended behaviour with KIP-418? If so, will the deprecated branching 
methods be kept indefinitely for multiple output bindings to bind correctly?

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