Hello, Here is the scenario. We have a kafka/zookeeper ensemble, where kafka and zookeeper are installed on the same node (instance). There are three zk nodes and two kafka nodes. In other words, out of the three zk nodes, kafka is present in two.
Now, these two kafka brokers are in different AZ in AWS. We want to move them into the same AZ to reduce cross AZ data transfer chatter and consequent AWS bill. >From my Google searches, most of the migration stories are related to migrating from zookeeper to kraft and cluster expansion. However I was not able to find anything that matches my requirements. If this was simply kafka brokers, I probably would have created another server in the same AZ and stopped the one that is running in the different AZ. But having zookeeper in the same instance doesn't help here. Does anyone have any pointers/documentation/tutorial on how I should tackle this? Anything would be much appreciated. Thanks,