[cid:banner1.jpg] I like it !
Thank’s for that debate ☺ De : Konstantin Kuzov [mailto:master.nosfer...@gmail.com] Envoyé : 22 mai 2020 11:53 À : user@openmeetings.apache.org Objet : Re: resize SCREEN (disconnect and connect) Something like that: https://nosferatu.g0x.ru/pub/openmeetings/mockups Algorithm of rectangle packing is debatable. I think it will be better to dynamically calculate webcam sizes based on total number of cameras and available area size so they are all the same size. And deny any user custom movement/resizes. Maybe with exception that user can increase/decrease size of specific webcams by factor of 2. пт, 22 мая 2020 г. в 15:11, Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com<mailto:solomax...@gmail.com>>: On Fri, 22 May 2020 at 19:04, Konstantin Kuzov <master.nosfer...@gmail.com<mailto:master.nosfer...@gmail.com>> wrote: I think what Martin really want is that we preserve local user-setted size and window positions of all webcams at least for automatic reconnect. Currently when we do reconnect we completely tear down connection and destroy and then recreate associated webcam window. So it will reset to the size setted by owner of webcam and will be placed in random empty space and not where user placed it before. Hotkey is only partial solution. Because you need to hit it every time it happens and only if you are satisfied with it result which you may not. I personally think that it would be nice if OM would have some webcam dedicated area without nothing underneath. So the user doesn't ever need to micromanage webcam windows manually. They should align and resizing themselves in that area automatically by trying to cover it in most effecient way. Like typically all other conferencing software does. For example I like how jitsi does it. They have sidebar miniature view, tile view and ability to open arbitrary webcam on fullscreen by clicking on it. That also solves problem on touch screens which doesn't really support window dragging without questionable hacks. I would love to see some mockup of such layout for both big and small monitors ... пт, 22 мая 2020 г. в 14:19, Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com<mailto:solomax...@gmail.com>>: On Fri, 22 May 2020 at 18:16, Chamberland, Martin <martin.chamberl...@fadq.qc.ca<mailto:martin.chamberl...@fadq.qc.ca>> wrote: [cid:banner1.jpg] Thank’s Maxim for the hotkey, but I will try to explain better. When you enter a room, your video windows showing on the main screen of the meetings, just above the whiteboard, right ? Suppose they are 5 users in that room, so you have to move and resize the screen of each of them to fit your need. After the meeting start, everything is good, all those windows are placed when you to them to be, that is perfect. But, what we can see is that if any of those 5 users have a bad internet connection, poor quality, it will maybe disconnect and reconnect because of that poor internet network. And then, his screen (only that user) will become again (after his reconnection automaticly) with the original size, so you have to again, resize it to fit your need. If 2-3 users of those 5 have bad connection, it can become really anoying. I hope it’s more clear. Yes, The hotkey I posted should do the following: 1) resize all video windows to be 120x90 2) allign them left-to-right, bottom-to-top Not sure what else can done :( De : Maxim Solodovnik [mailto:solomax...@gmail.com<mailto:solomax...@gmail.com>] Envoyé : 21 mai 2020 22:04 À : Openmeetings user-list <user@openmeetings.apache.org<mailto:user@openmeetings.apache.org>> Objet : Re: resize SCREEN (disconnect and connect) Hello Martin, On Fri, 22 May 2020 at 02:17, Chamberland, Martin <martin.chamberl...@fadq.qc.ca<mailto:martin.chamberl...@fadq.qc.ca>> wrote: [cid:image001.jpg@01D63008.CBBE8260] It’s probably not really a bug, but let me try to explain. When someone enter a room, you have to resize his screen to fit your need (do that for everyone). The problem start, when someone in the meeting have a poor connection, he will be disconnected and reconnected automaticly, but you have to “again” and “again”…. Resize his screen. That is pretty annoying. There is hotkey to resize video pod + align (Ctrl+Shift+KeyA by default https://openmeetings.apache.org/GeneralConfiguration.html) Is it what you are looking for? Can we disable something, to get rid of this behavior. I hope I’m enough clear in my explanation -- Best regards, Maxim -- Best regards, Maxim -- Best regards, Maxim