I don't quite understand what you mean with "resize his screen".

You mean the whiteboard resize or actual screen sharing ?

Can you attach a screenshot ?


Sebastian Wagner
Director Arrakeen Solutions

On Fri, 22 May 2020 at 07:17, Chamberland, Martin <
martin.chamberl...@fadq.qc.ca> wrote:

> It’s probably not really a bug, but let me  try to explain.
> When someone enter a room, you have to resize his screen to fit your need
> (do that for everyone).
> The problem start, when someone in the meeting have a poor connection,  he
> will be disconnected and reconnected automaticly, but you have to “again”
> and “again”…. Resize his screen.
> That is pretty annoying.
> Can we disable something, to get rid of this behavior.
> I hope I’m enough clear in my explanation

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