

«…so if they reconnect the window will appear in the same places”
That is not a bad idea.

I’m glad that someone had same behaviour has us here,  I mean users with bad 
network connection.

I know that, for best use, good wifi or even get cable connection is really 
better to use any product (Teams, Jitsi, Via, Zoom etc etc…)

De : Rohrbach, Gerald [mailto:g.rohrb...@funkegruppe.de]
Envoyé : 22 mai 2020 07:40
À : user@openmeetings.apache.org
Objet : AW: resize SCREEN (disconnect and connect)


thanks for the info with the hotkey,
I had the same experience like Martin,  the hotkey is a good hint. I will try 
in the next sessions.

Probably Martin means to store the positions of all the user windows once they 
are connected, so if they reconnect the window will appear in the same places, 
where we moved it before.


Von: Maxim Solodovnik [mailto:solomax...@gmail.com]
Gesendet: Freitag, 22. Mai 2020 13:20
An: Openmeetings user-list 
Betreff: Re: resize SCREEN (disconnect and connect)

On Fri, 22 May 2020 at 18:16, Chamberland, Martin 
<martin.chamberl...@fadq.qc.ca<mailto:martin.chamberl...@fadq.qc.ca>> wrote:


Thank’s Maxim for the hotkey, but I will try to explain better.
When you enter a room, your video windows showing on the main screen of the 
meetings, just above the whiteboard, right ?
Suppose they are 5 users in that room,  so you have to move and resize the 
screen of each of them to fit your need.

After the meeting start, everything is good,  all those windows are placed when 
you to them to be, that is perfect.
But, what we can see is that if any of those 5 users have a bad internet 
connection, poor quality, it will maybe disconnect and reconnect because of 
that poor internet network.
And then,  his screen (only that user) will become again (after his 
reconnection automaticly) with the original size, so you have to again, resize 
it to fit your need.
If 2-3 users of those 5 have bad connection, it can become really anoying.

I hope it’s more clear.

The hotkey I posted should do the following:
1) resize all video windows to be 120x90
2) allign them left-to-right, bottom-to-top

Not sure what else can done :(

De : Maxim Solodovnik [mailto:solomax...@gmail.com<mailto:solomax...@gmail.com>]
Envoyé : 21 mai 2020 22:04
À : Openmeetings user-list 
Objet : Re: resize SCREEN (disconnect and connect)

Hello Martin,

On Fri, 22 May 2020 at 02:17, Chamberland, Martin 
<martin.chamberl...@fadq.qc.ca<mailto:martin.chamberl...@fadq.qc.ca>> wrote:


It’s probably not really a bug, but let me  try to explain.

When someone enter a room, you have to resize his screen to fit your need (do 
that for everyone).
The problem start, when someone in the meeting have a poor connection,  he will 
be disconnected and reconnected automaticly, but you have to “again” and 
“again”…. Resize his screen.
That is pretty annoying.

There is hotkey to resize video pod + align (Ctrl+Shift+KeyA by default 
Is it what you are looking for?

Can we disable something, to get rid of this behavior.

I hope I’m enough clear in my explanation

Best regards,

Best regards,

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