On Fri, 22 May 2020 at 22:53, Konstantin Kuzov <master.nosfer...@gmail.com>

> Something like that:
> https://nosferatu.g0x.ru/pub/openmeetings/mockups

this is great starting point :))

it looks very similar to interview room

1. the controls might not fit onto small screen
2. same note for video area and video-on-user-list

> Algorithm of rectangle packing is debatable. I think it will be better to
> dynamically calculate webcam sizes based on total number of cameras and
> available area size so they are all the same size. And deny any user custom
> movement/resizes. Maybe with exception that user can increase/decrease size
> of specific webcams by factor of 2.

in this case camera resolution dialog is very much useless


> пт, 22 мая 2020 г. в 15:11, Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com>:
>> On Fri, 22 May 2020 at 19:04, Konstantin Kuzov <
>> master.nosfer...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I think what Martin really want is that we preserve local user-setted
>>> size and window positions of all webcams at least for automatic reconnect.
>>> Currently when we do reconnect we completely tear down connection and
>>> destroy and then recreate associated webcam window. So it will reset to the
>>> size setted by owner of webcam and will be placed in random empty space and
>>> not where user placed it before. Hotkey is only partial solution. Because
>>> you need to hit it every time it happens and only if you are satisfied with
>>> it result which you may not.
>>> I personally think that it would be nice if OM would have some webcam
>>> dedicated area without nothing underneath. So the user doesn't ever need to
>>> micromanage webcam windows manually. They should align and resizing
>>> themselves in that area automatically by trying to cover it in
>>> most effecient way. Like typically all other conferencing software does.
>>> For example I like how jitsi does it. They have sidebar miniature view,
>>> tile view and ability to open arbitrary webcam on fullscreen by clicking on
>>> it. That also solves problem on touch screens which doesn't really support
>>> window dragging without questionable hacks.
>> I would love to see some mockup of such layout
>> for both big and small monitors ...
>>> пт, 22 мая 2020 г. в 14:19, Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com>:
>>>> On Fri, 22 May 2020 at 18:16, Chamberland, Martin <
>>>> martin.chamberl...@fadq.qc.ca> wrote:
>>>>> [image: cid:banner1.jpg]
>>>>> Thank’s Maxim for the hotkey, but I will try to explain better.
>>>>> When you enter a room, your video windows showing on the main screen
>>>>> of the meetings, just above the whiteboard, right ?
>>>>> Suppose they are 5 users in that room,  so you have to move and resize
>>>>> the screen of each of them to fit your need.
>>>>> After the meeting start, everything is good,  all those windows are
>>>>> placed when you to them to be, that is perfect.
>>>>> But, what we can see is that if any of those 5 users have a bad
>>>>> internet connection, poor quality, it will maybe disconnect and reconnect
>>>>> because of that poor internet network.
>>>>> And then,  his screen (only that user) will become again (after his
>>>>> reconnection automaticly) with the original size, so you have to again,
>>>>> resize it to fit your need.
>>>>> If 2-3 users of those 5 have bad connection, it can become really
>>>>> anoying.
>>>>> I hope it’s more clear.
>>>> Yes,
>>>> The hotkey I posted should do the following:
>>>> 1) resize all video windows to be 120x90
>>>> 2) allign them left-to-right, bottom-to-top
>>>> Not sure what else can done :(
>>>>> *De :* Maxim Solodovnik [mailto:solomax...@gmail.com]
>>>>> *Envoyé :* 21 mai 2020 22:04
>>>>> *À :* Openmeetings user-list <user@openmeetings.apache.org>
>>>>> *Objet :* Re: resize SCREEN (disconnect and connect)
>>>>> Hello Martin,
>>>>> On Fri, 22 May 2020 at 02:17, Chamberland, Martin <
>>>>> martin.chamberl...@fadq.qc.ca> wrote:
>>>>> [image: cid:image001.jpg@01D63008.CBBE8260]
>>>>> It’s probably not really a bug, but let me  try to explain.
>>>>> When someone enter a room, you have to resize his screen to fit your
>>>>> need (do that for everyone).
>>>>> The problem start, when someone in the meeting have a poor
>>>>> connection,  he will be disconnected and reconnected automaticly, but you
>>>>> have to “again” and “again”…. Resize his screen.
>>>>> That is pretty annoying.
>>>>> There is hotkey to resize video pod + align (Ctrl+Shift+KeyA by
>>>>> default https://openmeetings.apache.org/GeneralConfiguration.html)
>>>>> Is it what you are looking for?
>>>>> Can we disable something, to get rid of this behavior.
>>>>> I hope I’m enough clear in my explanation
>>>>> --
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Maxim
>>>> --
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Maxim
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Maxim

Best regards,

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