Ok, I test it as soon as possible, thanks!

*Elena Darriba*
VoIP Systems Engineer @ Quobis <http://www.quobis.com/> | e:
elena.darr...@quobis.com | p: (+34) 986 911 644

2016-07-12 15:45 GMT+02:00 Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com>:

> Maybe you can try latest maven?
> WBR, Maxim
> (from mobile, sorry for the typos)
> On Jul 12, 2016 19:30, "Elena Darriba" <elena.darr...@quobis.com> wrote:
>> [root@centos7-1 ~]# mvn -v
>> Apache Maven 3.0.5 (Red Hat 3.0.5-16)
>> Maven home: /usr/share/maven
>> Java version: 1.7.0_79, vendor: Oracle Corporation
>> Java home: /opt/jdk1.7.0_79/jre
>> Default locale: es_ES, platform encoding: UTF-8
>> OS name: "linux", version: "3.10.0-327.22.2.el7.x86_64", arch: "amd64",
>> family: "unix"
>> *Elena Darriba*
>> VoIP Systems Engineer @ Quobis <http://www.quobis.com/> | e:
>> elena.darr...@quobis.com | p: (+34) 986 911 644
>> 2016-07-12 15:25 GMT+02:00 Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com>:
>>> for some weird reason default maven repository is not being tried
>>> what is your maven version?
>>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 7:22 PM, Elena Darriba <elena.darr...@quobis.com
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Hi Maxim,
>>>> Thanks a lot for your comments. Documentation is not updated with
>>>> maven... I am trying to compile it and it shows the following error:
>>>> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [INFO] Building red5sip 3.1-SNAPSHOT
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [INFO] Total time: 6.758s
>>>> [INFO] Finished at: Tue Jul 12 15:15:01 CEST 2016
>>>> [INFO] Final Memory: 9M/22M
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project red5sip: Could not resolve
>>>> dependencies for project org.red5.sip:red5sip:jar:3.1-SNAPSHOT: Failed to
>>>> collect dependencies for [org.red5:red5-client:jar:1.0.7-RELEASE (compile),
>>>> javax.media:jmf:jar:2.1.1e (compile),
>>>> commons-daemon:commons-daemon:jar:1.0.15 (compile),
>>>> org.apache.openmeetings:openmeetings-db:jar:3.1.2 (compile),
>>>> junit:junit:jar:4.12 (test)]: Failed to read artifact descriptor for
>>>> org.apache.openmeetings:openmeetings-db:jar:3.1.2: Failure to find
>>>> org.apache:apache:pom:18-SNAPSHOT in
>>>> https://dl.bintray.com/openmeetings/maven was cached in the local
>>>> repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of
>>>> openmeetings-bintray has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> BR,
>>>> Elena.
>>>> *Elena Darriba*
>>>> VoIP Systems Engineer @ Quobis <http://www.quobis.com/> | e:
>>>> elena.darr...@quobis.com | p: (+34) 986 911 644
>>>> 2016-07-12 15:06 GMT+02:00 Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> you need to build using maven:
>>>>> mvn clean package
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 6:28 PM, Elena Darriba <
>>>>> elena.darr...@quobis.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I am compiling red5sip, not red5...
>>>>>> *Elena Darriba*
>>>>>> VoIP Systems Engineer @ Quobis <http://www.quobis.com/> | e:
>>>>>> elena.darr...@quobis.com | p: (+34) 986 911 644
>>>>>> 2016-07-12 14:23 GMT+02:00 Juan Carrera <carre...@unizar.es>:
>>>>>>> Hi, i'm compiling right now version 3.1.1 and as stated in
>>>>>>> http://openmeetings.apache.org/BuildInstructions.html you have to
>>>>>>> use maven instead of ant.
>>>>>>> BTW I don't know if its fixed in trunk, but i have edited pom.xml
>>>>>>> because apache rat plugin snapshot is not available and changed  line 
>>>>>>> 917
>>>>>>> to use version 0.,12:
>>>>>>> <groupId>org.apache.rat</groupId>
>>>>>>> <artifactId>apache-rat-plugin</artifactId>
>>>>>>>                                         <version>0.12</version>
>>>>>>>                                         <configuration>
>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>> El 12/07/16 a las 13:56, Elena Darriba escribió:
>>>>>>> Hello Maxim,
>>>>>>> Sorry, I am trying compiling master but there is not build.xml
>>>>>>> file... how could I proceed?
>>>>>>> [root@centos7-1 red5sip]# git checkout master
>>>>>>> Already on 'master'
>>>>>>> [root@centos7-1 red5sip]# ls -l
>>>>>>> total 8
>>>>>>> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   24 jul 12 13:52 lib
>>>>>>> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   24 jun 29 10:22 log
>>>>>>> drwxr-xr-x 4 root root   30 jun 29 09:57 out
>>>>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3577 jul 12 13:52 pom.xml
>>>>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  123 jul 12 13:52 README.md
>>>>>>> drwxr-xr-x 3 root root   17 jul 12 13:52 src
>>>>>>> [root@centos7-1 red5sip]# ant
>>>>>>> Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
>>>>>>> Build failed
>>>>>>> [root@centos7-1 red5sip]#
>>>>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>> Elena.
>>>>>>> *Elena Darriba*
>>>>>>> VoIP Systems Engineer @ Quobis <http://www.quobis.com/> | e:
>>>>>>> <elena.darr...@quobis.com>elena.darr...@quobis.com | p: (+34) 986
>>>>>>> 911 644
>>>>>>> 2016-07-07 10:20 GMT+02:00 Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>> please use master for 3.1.x
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 1:56 PM, Elena Darriba <
>>>>>>>> <elena.darr...@quobis.com>elena.darr...@quobis.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Maxim,
>>>>>>>>> The current version is 3.1.x, sorry for my mistake.
>>>>>>>>> What branch of red5sip must I to compile?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>>>>>>> BR,
>>>>>>>>> Elena.
>>>>>>>>> *Elena Darriba*
>>>>>>>>> VoIP Systems Engineer @ Quobis <http://www.quobis.com/> | e:
>>>>>>>>> elena.darr...@quobis.com | p: (+34) 986 911 644
>>>>>>>>> 2016-07-06 18:13 GMT+02:00 Maxim Solodovnik <
>>>>>>>>> <solomax...@gmail.com>solomax...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>> I recently have fixed master branch to be buildable (for 3.1.x)
>>>>>>>>>> Do you have any particular reason to use 3.0.x instead of 3.1.x?
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 10:00 PM, Elena Darriba <
>>>>>>>>>> <elena.darr...@quobis.com>elena.darr...@quobis.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Maxim,
>>>>>>>>>>> We are using OM 3.0 on CentOS 7.2, I will check the exact
>>>>>>>>>>> version of OM. What branch should I compile?
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>> BR,
>>>>>>>>>>> Elena.
>>>>>>>>>>> *Elena Darriba*
>>>>>>>>>>> VoIP Systems Engineer @ Quobis <http://www.quobis.com/> | e:
>>>>>>>>>>> <elena.darr...@quobis.com>elena.darr...@quobis.com | p: (+34)
>>>>>>>>>>> 986 911 644
>>>>>>>>>>> 2016-07-06 16:12 GMT+02:00 Maxim Solodovnik <
>>>>>>>>>>> <solomax...@gmail.com>solomax...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Elena,
>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/openmeetings/red5sip/tree/red5sip_3.0>
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/openmeetings/red5sip/tree/red5sip_3.0
>>>>>>>>>>>> branch is stored for historical reasons and might be not compilable
>>>>>>>>>>>> what version of OM are you using?
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 7:16 PM, Elena Darriba <
>>>>>>>>>>>> <elena.darr...@quobis.com>elena.darr...@quobis.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Maxim,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I tried to compile src code from master (using red5sip_3.0
>>>>>>>>>>>>> branch) and I detected some errors. How can I compile the new 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> version on
>>>>>>>>>>>>> master?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Elena.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Elena Darriba*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> VoIP Systems Engineer @ Quobis <http://www.quobis.com/> | e:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <elena.darr...@quobis.com>elena.darr...@quobis.com | p: (+34)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 986 911 644
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016-05-14 9:58 GMT+02:00 Maxim Solodovnik <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <solomax...@gmail.com>solomax...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Elena,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have finally installed Asterisk
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fixed red5sip:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/openmeetings/red5sip/tree/master>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/openmeetings/red5sip/tree/master
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hopefully will be able to test everything together (hopefully
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LinPhone will work with Asterisk)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 12:48 PM, Elena Darriba <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <elena.darr...@quobis.com>elena.darr...@quobis.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Maxim,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have you any update about this issue?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Elena.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Elena Darriba*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VoIP Systems Engineer @ Quobis <http://www.quobis.com/> |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> e:  <elena.darr...@quobis.com>elena.darr...@quobis.com | p: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (+34)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 902 999 465
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016-04-25 15:23 GMT+02:00 Maxim Solodovnik <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <solomax...@gmail.com>solomax...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will try to do it this week
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @Timur, maybe you can help?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 5:59 PM, Elena Darriba <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <elena.darr...@quobis.com>elena.darr...@quobis.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Maxim,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please, could you tell me an aproximate date for this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> review?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Elena.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Elena Darriba*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VoIP Systems Engineer @ Quobis <http://www.quobis.com/> |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> e:  <elena.darr...@quobis.com>elena.darr...@quobis.com |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> p: (+34) 902 999 465
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016-04-25 9:52 GMT+02:00 Maxim Solodovnik <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <solomax...@gmail.com>solomax...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello All,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sorry for keeping silence on the topic,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately I had no time to configure asterisk server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (old one deceased)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll write back as soon as I'll find time and check the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issue
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 1:29 PM, Elena Darriba <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <elena.darr...@quobis.com>elena.darr...@quobis.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Christos,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Install Asterisk is very easy, you can compile the code
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so you can use Debian, Ubuntu or other OS. Also I think you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can download it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from repositories. I use the following instructions:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://openmeetings.apache.org/red5sip-integration_3.0.html>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://openmeetings.apache.org/red5sip-integration_3.0.html
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then, when Asterisk and red5sip are running, you can set
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> users and create a SIP room in OpenMeetings. In my 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenario, SIP signaling
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is OK, and users can use SIP room, but there is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uncomfortable noise and in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some cases is impossible to listen the other caller party.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Elena.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Elena Darriba*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VoIP Systems Engineer @ Quobis <http://www.quobis.com/> |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> e:  <elena.darr...@quobis.com>elena.darr...@quobis.com |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> p: (+34) 902 999 465
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016-04-22 23:13 GMT+02:00 Christos Moustakakis <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <moustaka...@yahoo.gr>moustaka...@yahoo.gr>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Elena,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Could you please send me the instructions you follow to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> install the Asterisk in Debian because I have tried to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> install in Ubuntu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 14.04 and I didn't manage?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, I would like to ask, when someone install the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asterisk could set any sip account?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christos.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We have an scenario with OpenMeetings 3, red5sip and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asterisk installed on a Debian following the official
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instructions. SIP signaling is correct and calls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> established normally, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> users listen noise during a call and sometimes is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> impossible to hear the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other caller party.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We are carrying tests using FreeSWITCH on different OS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (RHEL, CentOS) instead Asterisk and also using older 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> versions of OM but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> results are the same.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RTP captured between Asterisk and Red5SIP sounds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without noise.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does anybody faced a situation like this? Could you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please help us?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Elena.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Elena Darriba*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VoIP Systems Engineer @ Quobis <http://www.quobis.com/> |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> e:  <elena.darr...@quobis.com>elena.darr...@quobis.com |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> p: (+34) 902 999 465
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WBR
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maxim aka solomax
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WBR
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maxim aka solomax
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WBR
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maxim aka solomax
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> WBR
>>>>>>>>>>>> Maxim aka solomax
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> WBR
>>>>>>>>>> Maxim aka solomax
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> WBR
>>>>>>>> Maxim aka solomax
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> [image: Logotipo del servicio de informática y comunicaciones.
>>>>>>> Universidad Zaragoza]
>>>>>>> *Juan Ramón Carrera Marcén *
>>>>>>> * Área de aplicaciones*
>>>>>>> Residencia de profesores
>>>>>>> Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009 Zaragoza
>>>>>>> Tel. (34) 876553689
>>>>>>> carre...@unizar.es
>>>>>>> [image: unizar.es]
>>>>> --
>>>>> WBR
>>>>> Maxim aka solomax
>>> --
>>> WBR
>>> Maxim aka solomax

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