Hi, Nicolas.  Your problem sounded familiar, so I found a relevant previous 
post.  Does it work for you?

On 3/19/07 3:38 AM, "Dick Kriesel" <dick.krie...@mail.com> wrote:

> Here's another technique for identifying the object at the mouseLoc. This
> technique is different because it works with no repeat loop, no checking the
> visible or the rect of any object, no formulas based on the mouseLoc, and no
> reference to the mouseControl.
> Create a button named "mouseObject" with the following script:
> -- <script>
> local sMouseObject
> on mouseObject
>  if line 1 of the frontscripts is not long id of me then
>    insert script of me into front
>    lock screen
>    click at the mouseloc
>    unlock screen
>    remove script of me from front
>    return sMouseObject
>  end if
> end mouseObject
> on mousedown
> end mousedown
> on mouseUp
>  put long id of the target into sMouseObject
> end mouseUp
> -- <script/>
> Then to test it, put the following handler into the stack script:
> -- <script>
> on mouseMove
>  call "mouseObject" of button "mouseObject" of me
>  put the result
> end mouseMove
> -- <script/>
> The technique passed my tests.  Does it work for you?
> -- Dick

On Jul 3, 2011, at 10:09 PM, Nicolas Cueto wrote:

> Hello.
> Does LC have a built-in way of returning the id of the object(s) at a 
> mouseLoc?
> For now, I'm relying on mouseMove combined with mouseColor. But on my stack 
> there's a weakness to this method. (It's a grid of round-edged tiles each of 
> which can be deleted if contiguously connected. A diagonal move between 
> tiles, though, enters the clearing between the rounded corners and causes 
> mouseColor to trigger.)
> As always, thank you for the help.
> --
> Nicolas Cueto (iPhone)
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