On 09/04/12 11:20, Steve wrote:
> On Mon, 09 Apr 2012 10:29:02 +0100
> Alan Bell <alanb...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> On 09/04/12 09:24, Bill Baker wrote:
>>> This has appeared on Linux Today site:
>>> "Should you be worried about Ubuntu Desktop's privacy settings?"
>>> "LinuxBSDos: I hope that I am wrong, but your new Ubuntu system could be
>>> used to spy on you."
>>> http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2012-04-09-002-41-SC-UB
>>> Should someone [in a position to do be authoritative on the reply]
>>> actually respond or reply to the article I wonder?
>> That whole article appears to be a journalist saying "I have no idea 
>> what this stuff is". This is a bit sad as the journalist in question 
>> could have actually done some finding out, and then explained to the 
>> readership what it was rather than publishing a content free article.
> The problem is not with the journalist but, Ubuntu.  The explanations as to 
> what is going on with these settings can best be described as vague.  Until 
> Alan's explanation I wasn't sure what they're for.  I've submitted a bug 
> #977106 to LP if people would like to add to it.


I somewhat disagree with you. If they call themselves journalists, I
would expect them to do a modicum of research first to understand a
feature that seems alien to them. A simple email to one of the Ubuntu
mailing lists or a questin on IRC would have returned an answer similar
to Alan's and a Google search should have found the EFF article: hardly
difficult research. Besides, I am very dubious of blog posts that don't
show the identity of the author(s) (either that or that info is so well
hidden I can't find it).

Having said this, if the wording is vague, it should be improved so
reporting a bug against it is the right thing to do. On that subject,
your bug has been marked as a duplicate of #967056 but because that bug
is badly worded, the discussion has come to a dead end on a
technicality. So you may want to pitch in on that particular bug and
make more constructive suggestions on how to improve explanations.




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