On Mon, 2012-04-09 at 10:29 +0100, Alan Bell wrote:
> On 09/04/12 09:24, Bill Baker wrote:
> > This has appeared on Linux Today site:
> >
> > "Should you be worried about Ubuntu Desktop's privacy settings?"
> > "LinuxBSDos: I hope that I am wrong, but your new Ubuntu system could be
> > used to spy on you."
> >
> > http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2012-04-09-002-41-SC-UB
> >
> > Should someone [in a position to do be authoritative on the reply]
> > actually respond or reply to the article I wonder?

> That whole article appears to be a journalist saying "I have no idea 
> what this stuff is". This is a bit sad as the journalist in question 
> could have actually done some finding out, and then explained to the 
> readership what it was rather than publishing a content free article.
> Ubuntu has something in it called zeitgeist. This tracks lots of stuff 
> you do with the objective of making the computer better able to 
> anticipate what you are going to do next and be more helpful about it. 
> Quite a lot of applications in the file menu show recently used files. 
> This is tracking you, but most rational people don't see it that way. 
> The privacy control now allows you to control this kind of thing - and 
> opt out. You should not be worried that there are privacy controls 
> available. You should be worried about operating systems and devices 
> that *don't* have privacy controls built in.
> In terms of stuff submitted to Canonical, this is crash traces that get 
> automatically added to bugs (Windows has a submit to Microsoft button 
> when things crash - but in that case it vanishes inside Redmond never to 
> be seen again rather than on a public bug report you can view yourself)
> Alan
> -- 

THIS [the above from Alan] is *exactly* the reply the "informationally
disadvantaged" article &/or author I had in mind.

Bill B. [SuperEngineer]

-Registered Linux User 523667-
-Registered Ubuntu User 32366-
-----Free  as in Freedom------


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