On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 11:49 PM, azmodie <azmo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  in the meantime i think new and general users should run the more stable
> Long Term Support release (LTS). as it is generally the most stable release
> compared to the 6 monthly release. tends to upgrade to next LTS more
> reliably than the 6 monthly to 6 monthly. also the LTS is a 2 year release
> cycle. allowing longer between updates. (not sure this is made clear enough
> for new  users).

This is good advice. I think many of us probably fall into the trap of
wanting to show new users the latest release with all the shiny,
flash, new stuff, without fully considering their longer term
experience. Showing them the latest release is fine but I think we
should always advise installation of an LTS and explain the release
cycle, the concept of which is likely entirely alien to most ex
windows users.

I'm going to go away now to modify a sleeve from spreadubuntu to
include information on getting help.


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