On 13/10/10 23:49, azmodie wrote:
>   in the meantime i think new and general users should run the more stable
> Long Term Support release (LTS). as it is generally the most stable release
> compared to the 6 monthly release. tends to upgrade to next LTS more
> reliably than the 6 monthly to 6 monthly.

For a number of years now, I've upgraded both LTS and 6-month releases 
(and installed several versions on various machines from scratch).  The 
upgrade from Hardy to Lucid on my main machine last week was a pain - 
Thunderbird's windowing and menus not working, Xsane ceasing to 
function, splash screen graphics wrong.

After hours of fruitless investigation, I found that several of the 
problems seem related to the removal of the fglrx driver (which doesn't 
support Xorg 1.7), which has caused some folk a lot of difficulty.  It's 
this sort of thing that leads to the kind of frustration that upset the 
OP, and one has to sympathise, even though there may be 'good' reasons 
for the hassle.

It certainly confirms the old adage that FOSS is only free if your time 
has no value.



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