These are all very good ideas and no doubt i will experiment with them.

Indeed i have the option of keeping the xbox upstairs in the spare room and
beam it across to the tv ( i only wanted to put the xbox in the living room
so that it acts as a media centre)...

would that still work?

About the G1, theres already an app out there called Gmote which turns the
phone into a wifi remote control. it works well with the pc (havent tried it
yet myself).

2009/3/12 Rob Beard <>

>  On 12/03/2009 09:04, javadayaz wrote:
> > Ok same old dead topic i know.
> > Im looking to buy a house and obviously my first thoughts in this new
> > house are "connectivity. Basically I want to use my pc as hub for all
> > my entertainment. It will be stored in a seperate room where it will
> > be connected to 26" moniter doing pc things but i also want to beam
> > the media into the main living room where a bigger tv will reside.
> > Naturally i want to do this without the aide of wires. Im thinking
> > connect up an xbox1 to a tv and beam across the media from my ubuntu
> > pc to my xbox. But my old xbox doesnt have wifi (it does have media
> > centre). Or maybe that has some kind of wifi built in!
> > I then want to use my G1 Android phone to control everything. Like a
> > remote.
> > I know there is an OS (in linux) that does all this and more but thats
> > more of the software side of things im looking more of the hardware
> > issues.
> > ps my pc currently doesnt have wifi so that would be the first thing
> > to look at!
> > pps im so excited at the prospects of this! :)
> >
> > --
> > Javad
> You have a couple of options for connecting the XBOX.  Probably the
> easiest without running cables (which is what I did for future proofing)
> is to get a couple of Powerline Ethernet adaptors which basically plug
> into the mains and have an ethernet socket in them.  You'll need at
> least two to create a network.  You can then either plug these into an
> ethernet switch and from the switch into the XBOX ethernet port or
> directly from the Powerline ethernet adaptor into the XBOX.
> With regards to adding wifi on your PC, do you really need wifi?  Have
> you thought about broadband?
> You might find it's easier enough to plug your PC into your router if
> you can get away with it (of course this depends if you can put your
> router near your PC).  If you can't plug your PC directly into your
> router (say it's in a different room) then you should be able to plug in
> a USB Wifi adaptor or PCI Wifi card (others on here will probably be
> able to advise you what works and what doesn't, I know my old Netgear
> WG111 USB adaptor does work out of the box).
> If you wanted to connect your XBOX via wifi then you'd need a wireless
> access point which can connect to an existing wireless network.  I
> managed this for a friend by flashing his Buffalo router with the
> OpenWRT firmware and then getting it to bridge to his existing wireless
> network although I'd say it wasn't dead easy the first time round.
> There may be other wifi access points which do the job easier.
> Another thought which might be easier, if you can put your router next
> to or near your XBOX then you could plug the XBOX directly into that and
> then as you say add Wifi to your PC.  That way the XBOX will be able to
> go through the router's wireless connection.
> With regards to the Android though, not sure how to do this as I haven't
> got one.  Someone else might be able to advise.
> I did something similar although I did it pre-wireless so I ended up
> running some CAT5 cables up to the loft and put a server and switch in
> the loft.  If you're buying your own house and it needs redecorating and
> you're handy with DIY then you may be able to put the cables in the
> walls neatly (this is what I'm planning on doing when I redecorate with
> the help of my dad who is good at DIY - I'm hopeless at it!).  Saying
> that though I guess it may be better to go for CAT6 cable for future
> proofing.
> Rob
> --


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