Ah my bad, I hate that we both call it gaelic, I think we should say
scottish or irish for clarity :D


On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 7:30 PM, Michael Bauer <f...@akerbeltz.org> wrote:

> Hi Shane,
> I should really have clarified that I mean Scottish Gaelic (gd). I could
> just chase after every project he tries to join but Launchpad is a big
> place so I'm hoping for a better solution that works across Launchpad.
> Thanks for the comment about our passion for accuracy :) Funnily enough,
> it's actually more important in small languages than big ones. It's hard to
> convince speakers of small languages that tools in their language can be
> just as good and adequate - but if you then present them with bad
> translations, you have immediately lost your case!
> Michael
> 11/09/2013 19:15, sgrìobh Shane Fagan:
>  Hey,
>> I am the admin for the team thats in charge of the Irish translations I
>> don't know exactly how to restrict them. So if someone explains how to lock
>> down translations to only members of the team I can do that and then it
>> would be easy just to add you and not him and it will stop the bad
>> translations.
>> Side note I really like that you are passionate about it its great to
>> have accurate translations even for a smaller language like Irish. So what
>> ever I can do to help ill do.
>> Shane
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