Emulators are a subset of games. They use the same libraries and
frameworks. If they do not work, games will not likely not work.

Besides, do I have to configure my sound system to play a game on
Windows or Mac OS X? No.

Why should I have to on Linux?


On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 9:44 PM, Dmitrijs Ledkovs
<dmitrij.led...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On 6 May 2010 02:31, Ryan Oram <r...@infinityos.net> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 9:13 PM, Dmitrijs Ledkovs
>> <dmitrij.led...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
>>> Generalisation..... I know plenty of people who play games and do not
>>> know how to edit *plain* text files.
>> In order to get most emulators (which at this point sadly are what
> what is an emulator? i play games on facebook & xbox.
>> people are going to be using to play games) and native games to work
> yofrankie works fine so does skype here.
>> on Ubuntu, you have to remove PulseAudio, install aoss and, if the
>> emulator/games uses SDL, libsdl1.2debian-oss as SDL seems to have
>> timing problems with ALSA (especially with games made using the
>> Allegro library/toolkit).
>> It is broken to the point that the OpenSonic FAQ recommends that you
>> remove PulseAudio when installing.
>> http://opensnc.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FAQ#The_game_has_no_sound.21_.28Linux.29
> you lost me at installing "emulator" i play games & listen music in my 
> kitchen.
>>> I don't know how to configure Linux to do that. I use the PA sliders.
>>> Thanks to avahi I was able to stream music to my kitchen without
>>> editing any textfiles.
>>> I would not be able to do this without PA.
>> Is your average user is going to be streaming audio to his kitchen?
> In US & Canada a lot of people do.
>> I think Ubuntu should be focusing on getting its audio system to work
>> out of the box for common usage situations. Playing native games and
>> emulators is much more common usage situation then Bluetooth headsets
>> (hell I gave mine up as it was much more of a pain on any OS then a
>> corded/RF headset) and streaming audio to another computer.
> We got streaming audio & bluetooth audio for free. I don't see any
> "emulators" in ubuntu main so I don't understand why should it be a
> focus for ubuntu. As for games the default set of games & more
> advanced like yofrankie work fine.
>> Less common situations can be addressed by FAQs and documentation.
> For me "emulators" is a niche situation. And so is for all of my
> hosemates and family. Only a few of us are gamers and they use xbox.
>> Chances are if a user wants to stream audio to his kitchen or use a
>> bluetooth headset, he will be looking online for documentation and
>> help anyways.
> On Mac & Windows streaming audio and using bluetooth headsets is dead
> simple using manufacturer cd (which everyone installs) and using
> iTunes for streaming.
> Why should one look up documentation & help on Ubuntu when it's
> painlessly done on a Mac?
> How *easy* is it to setup "emulators" on windows?
>> A user will not expect to have to configure his audio system to play
>> games. He will expect it to work by default.
> Default games work.
> You have operating system already. Work on, it make it unique, profit.
>> Ryan
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