On Mon, 2009-04-27 at 12:34 +0200, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
> Danny Piccirillo <danny.picciri...@ubuntu.com> writes:
> > It's already a problem? Really? The problem i think you're trying to say is
> > simply confusing the packaging team with this team. Firstly, i don't see how
> > people would be so confused. 
> Let's see. There is already a well known, established team in debian
> called the "Debian Games Team". It actually cares for Games in both
> debian *and* ubuntu.

Do they care for Ubuntu games as their wiki pages make no mention  of
Ubuntu whatsoever.


> Now a new team is created named "Ubuntu Gameing Team" that doesn't claim
> to work on actually packaging games.
> Is it really so hard to see the confusion here? An outsider (including
> members of the first team) will almost certainly assume a competition
> between the two teams. AFAIUI you don't seek competition. Moreover, I
> feel that competition is actually harmful here.
> I fully agree to Scott, the name of the team is very unfortunate.

Some confusion maybe seen from the naming, but I see no real issue. The
team members who wish too can look at and work with more specific Ubuntu
issues and act as a conduit between the teams of both distributions to
make things better. Many teams work in this way and I see no real
competition or massive problems and a hopeful flow of information would
only be productive.



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