From: Fabio Estevam 
> Sent: Friday, 9 March 2012 10:42 a.m.
> To: Bud Miljkovic
> Cc: Scott Wood 
> Subject: Re: [U-Boot] Enabling nand createbbt command
> >
> > I took the what was linked at the SABRE Automotive Infotainment 
> > board Freescale page in January and applied all provided patches. I 
> > also
> have
> > been trying to get some support from Freescale but not getting much 
> > there.  Maybe I am not talking to the right people.
> I suggest you to work with the mainline U-boot version,

Could you elaborate this point?

> Please note you would need to add mx53 support to 
> drivers/mtd/nand/mxc_nand.c though.

Any hints how I do this?  I've tried it before but since I was not successful I 
went to the Freescale u-boot version.


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