On Friday 08 July 2011 06:34 PM, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear Aneesh V,
> In message<4e16fd50.3090...@ti.com>  you wrote:
>>> - use a different name instead of OBJTREE everywhere, and leave
>> What Daniel suggested about using something like SPLTREE(or SPLOBJTREE)
>> seems to be be right solution then. Are you ok with that?
> Yes, if it works without too much effort.
>>> - introduce a new variable that stores the original setting of OBJTREE
>>>     so we can refer to this later
>>>> I used BUILD_DIR/spl/obj as OBJTREE to avoid this problem.
> Well, this may cause nasty problems.  Note that BUILD_DIR is usually
> not set for local builds; current Makefile looks like this:
> OBJTREE         := $(if $(BUILD_DIR),$(BUILD_DIR),$(CURDIR))
> SRCTREE         := $(CURDIR)
> TOPDIR          := $(SRCTREE)
> ...
> ifneq ($(OBJTREE),$(SRCTREE))
> ...
> Tests like this here will fail if you use BUILD_DIR (which is not set)
> instead of OBJTREE (which is set to CURDIR).

Sorry for the confusion. I was using BUILD_DIR only to explain the
situation because OBJTREE now had a different definition. I did not use
BUILD_DIR in the changes I did.

>> You want to continue to maintain nand_boot.c kind of files within
>> $(TOPDIR)/spl/ , right?
> Yes.  Copies of, or symlinks to, source files should be avoided.

Symlinks, copies are not involved in either case. My question was this:
Where should something like 'nand_spl/nand_boot.c' go in the new

1) spl/nand/nand_boot.c OR
2) drivers/nand/spl_nand_boot.c

(2) Helps in having:

where as with (1) we have:
and with this nand_boot.o will be in
(OBJTREE)/spl/obj/spl/nand/nand_boot.o !

To me (2) looks cleaner, and goes well with the idea of having all
source files in the original source tree.

best regards,
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