Hi, > Am 19.01.2024 um 17:53 schrieb Jens Maus <m...@jens-maus.de>: > >> Am 19.01.2024 um 17:29 schrieb Ivan T. Ivanov <iiva...@suse.de>: >> >>> So you say with your own u-boot.bin you see serial U-Boot output after that >>> „NOTICE: BL31: …“ lines? On that special UART port on the rpi5 or on the >>> UART on the GPIO header? >>> >> >> Yes :-) See attached log file. > > Really strange that in your case U-Boot seems to come up nicely and outputs > something on the debug UART. Here definitely not. And the only difference in > the rpi boot loader log outputs I could spot between yours and mine is:
Replying to myself after having analysed this a bit further this evening... > […] > > So lets see if after you updated to a more recent rpi eeprom U-boot is still > able to boot… I actually do have some good and bad news: 1. Good news: I got u-boot finally showing up with my RaspberryPi5 8GB both on the HDMI and on the serial debug UART like you reported. 2. Bad news: I actually got it working by downgrading the rpi-eeprom to the same 2023/10/30 (VERSION:30de0ba5) version like you have. So the issue I saw/reported seems to be somehow related/limited to newer rpi-eeprom versions. Looking at my previous diff on the rpi bootloader log output differences, the potentially relevant piece might be the "M.2 PCIe HAT not detected.“ line that is only present in newer rpi-eeprom version outputs. So hopefully you can reproduce that issue yourself when upgrading your rpi-eeprom version to newer or also the latest version from 2024/01/15 available [1] and potentially find the actual piece that prevent your patchset from working on newer eeprom versions. Best regards, jens [1] https://github.com/raspberrypi/rpi-eeprom/tree/master/firmware-2712/latest -- Jens Maus, Dresden/Germany http://jens-maus.de/