> Am 19.01.2024 um 15:24 schrieb Ivan T. Ivanov <iiva...@suse.de>:
>> On 19 Jan 2024, at 16:08, Jens Maus <m...@jens-maus.de> wrote:
>> On the HDMI port, right? But what about the serial UART output? 
> Yes, I can see serial output from U-Boot. I am using one of these
> simple USB<->UART cables. You can see serial output when you boot
> with RPiOS, when you use "Raspberry Pi Debug Probe”, right?

Yes, when booting up RPiOS I can first see the same serial debug output 
regarding the rpi boot loader until the same „NOTICE: BL31: …“ lines. Then 
RPiOS comes up and in the end I get an interactive serial console login 
"raspberrypi login:“ prompt on the RaspberryPi Debug Probe connection to that 
special UART port on the rpi5 pcb.

So you say with your own u-boot.bin you see serial U-Boot output after that 
„NOTICE: BL31: …“ lines? On that special UART port on the rpi5 or on the UART 
on the GPIO header?

Jens Maus, Dresden/Germany

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