> Am 19.01.2024 um 17:29 schrieb Ivan T. Ivanov <iiva...@suse.de>:
>> So you say with your own u-boot.bin you see serial U-Boot output after that 
>> „NOTICE: BL31: …“ lines? On that special UART port on the rpi5 or on the 
>> UART on the GPIO header?
> Yes :-) See attached log file.

Really strange that in your case U-Boot seems to come up nicely and outputs 
something on the debug UART. Here definitely not. And the only difference in 
the rpi boot loader log outputs I could spot between yours and mine is:

— cut here —
--- uboot2.log  2024-01-19 17:36:18.099674743 +0100
+++ uboot1.log  2024-01-19 17:33:06.794258533 +0100
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-RPi: BOOTSYS release VERSION:30cc5f37 DATE: 2024/01/05 TIME: 15:57:40
-BOOTMODE: 0x06 partition 0 build-ts BUILD_TIMESTAMP=1704470260 serial 9127ae99 
boardrev d04170 stc 930201
+RPi: BOOTSYS release VERSION:30de0ba5 DATE: 2023/10/30 TIME: 16:45:10
+BOOTMODE: 0x06 partition 0 build-ts BUILD_TIMESTAMP=1698684310 serial 3c533ede 
boardrev c04170 stc 815886
 AON_RESET: 00000003 PM_RSTS 00001000
 RP1_BOOT chip ID: 0x20001927
 PM_RSTS: 0x00001000
 part 00000000 reset_info 00000000
 PMIC reset-event 00000000 rtc 00000000 alarm 00000000 enabled 0
 uSD voltage 3.3V
-Initialising SDRAM 'Micron' 32Gb x2 total-size: 64 Gbit 4267
-DDR 4267 1 0 64 152
+Initialising SDRAM 'Samsung' 16Gb x2 total-size: 32 Gbit 4267
+DDR 4267 1 0 32 152
 RP1_BOOT chip ID: 0x20001927
 RP1_BOOT chip ID: 0x20001927
@@ -17,18 +17,17 @@
 PCIe scan 00001de4:00000001
 RP1_CHIP_INFO 20001927
-RPi: BOOTLOADER release VERSION:30cc5f37 DATE: 2024/01/05 TIME: 15:57:40
-BOOTMODE: 0x06 partition 0 build-ts BUILD_TIMESTAMP=1704470260 serial 9127ae99 
boardrev d04170 stc 3949421
+RPi: BOOTLOADER release VERSION:30de0ba5 DATE: 2023/10/30 TIME: 16:45:10
+BOOTMODE: 0x06 partition 0 build-ts BUILD_TIMESTAMP=1698684310 serial 3c533ede 
boardrev c04170 stc 3726990
 AON_RESET: 00000003 PM_RSTS 00001000
-M.2 PCIe HAT not detected.
 usb_pd_init status 1
 Boot mode: SD (01) order f4
 SD HOST: 200000000 CTL0: 0x00800000 BUS: 400000 Hz actual: 390625 HZ div: 512 
(256) status: 0x1fff0000 delay: 276
 SD HOST: 200000000 CTL0: 0x00800f00 BUS: 400000 Hz actual: 390625 HZ div: 512 
(256) status: 0x1fff0000 delay: 276
-OCR c0ff8000 [310]
-CID: 00035344534536344780519441cb0123
-CSD: 400e00325b590001dbd37f800a404000
-SD: bus-width: 4 spec: 2 SCR: 0x02458443 0x00000000
+OCR c0ff8000 [118]
+CID: 00035344534e33324780fa570bda0169
+CSD: 400e00325b590000edb07f800a400000
+SD: bus-width: 4 spec: 2 SCR: 0x02358483 0x00000000
 SD HOST: 200000000 CTL0: 0x00800f04 BUS: 50000000 Hz actual: 50000000 HZ div: 
4 (2) status: 0x1fff0000 delay: 2
 MBR: 0x00002000,  131072 type: 0x0c
 MBR: 0x00022000, 1024000 type: 0x82
@@ -39,7 +38,6 @@
 rsc 4 fat-sectors 128 root dir cluster 1 sectors 32 entries 512
 FAT16 clusters 32695
 [sdcard] autoboot.txt not found
-Select partition rsts 0 C(boot_partition) 0 EEPROM config 0 result 0
 Trying partition: 0
 type: 16 lba: 8192 'mkfs.fat' '  V       ^ ' clusters 32695 (4)
 rsc 4 fat-sectors 128 root dir cluster 1 sectors 32 entries 512
@@ -52,6 +50,7 @@
 Read bcm2712-rpi-5-b.dtb bytes    79357 hnd 0x139f
 dt-match: compatible: raspberrypi,5-model-b match: brcm,bcm2712
 dt-match: compatible: brcm,bcm2712 match: brcm,bcm2712
+PM_RSTS 00001000
 Selecting USB low current limit
 NOTICE:  BL31: v2.6(release):v2.6-239-g2a9ede0bd
— cut here —

So lets see if after you updated to a more recent rpi eeprom U-boot is still 
able to boot…

Jens Maus, Dresden/Germany

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