
>> Please let me know how you want me to proceed.
> I think the correct way is that Magnus adds his Signed-off-by to his
> patch, repushing the patch to the list. Please put Albert in CC, as this
> file is competence of the ARM maintainer (well, we tested only on i.MX,
> I see...). I will take your patch for the mx31pdk and I will merge it on
> u-boot-imx (and including it in the next pull request as well).

Patch reposted as a separate mail a couple of minutes ago.

As I mention in the patch I think Fabio's patch has to be applied first. 
Another solution would be to change my patch somewhat to apply it first 
and then update Fabios patch to only touch the i.MX31-PDK specific 
files. I cannot work on that before Thursday or Friday though.

Regards, Magnus Lilja
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