Hi Kim,

On 01.07.2010 04:30, Kim Phillips wrote:
>> This patch provides support for MPC8308ERDB development board from
> so, according to this document:
> http://cache.freescale.com/files/32bit/doc/user_guide/MPC8308RDBUG.pdf
> the board name is just 'mpc8308rdb', not 'mpc8308erdb'.  AFAICT, there
> is no version of the 8308 that has an 'E'ncryption unit, so the name
> should probably be changed.
> apologies for not seeing this earlier...

Well, actually I saw this myself... but the board is named MPC8308ERDB 
in Freescale BSP so I didn't change this name.
Ok, I'll fix this and repost the patch.

Regards, Ilya.

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