Hi Ben,

> I agree that MDIO bus probing doesn't make much sense.  I don't know 
> anything about your SOC, but the ones that I work with typically have 
> multiple MACs (data link) but only one MDIO bus (control link).  The 
> end result is multiple PHYs on a multi-drop bus, and there's no way of 
> knowing which one has its data link connected to which MAC.
> I'd prefer to see it hard-coded, either through a CONFIG option or an 
> environment variable.
In our SoC current architecture there are multiple sdio buses, basically 
one for each MAC.
Neverthelees this architecture might change in the future.

Moreover, I agree that driver should be generic, so I guess that we 
might add a phy_addr field
in the device structure and pass it thru the initialize routine, as the 
macb driver is doing.

In the meantime I saw that Vipin already provided a V2 of the driver, 
which is still in the old
Vipin, can you possibly provide your comments?


-- "Every step appears to be the unavoidable consequence of the
-- preceding one." (A. Einstein) 
Armando Visconti                  Mobile: (+39) 346 8879146
Senior SW Engineer                Fax:    (+39) 02 93519290
CPG                               Work:   (+39) 02 93519683
Computer System Division          e-mail: armando.visco...@st.com
ST Microelectronics               TINA:   051  4683

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