Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear Tom,
> In message <4af33815.4030...@windriver.com> you wrote:
>>>> Signed-off-by: Abdoulaye Walsimou Gaye <walsi...@walsimou.com>
>>> What is this? Are you sure this patch is properly attributed? Was
>>> Abdoulaye Walsimou Gaye really the first to submit this patch? 
>>> Best regards,
>>> Wolfgang Denk
>> Would you like the older one ?
>> As you said, they looked the same.
> It does not matter what I like. What matters is who is to be credited
> for this patch, and in my opinion this has to be the first to submit
> it.
> You don't get any credits any more today for inventing a light bulb,
> either.
> Best regards,
> Wolfgang Denk

I have pushed the earlier patch to arm/next.

Author: Ron Lee <r...@debian.org>
Date:   Wed Aug 5 20:14:01 2009 +0200

     ARM Don't inline weak symbols


     GCC 4.4 complains about this now.

     Signed-off-by: Ron Lee <r...@debian.org>

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