Hi Przemyslaw,

On 31 August 2015 at 12:29, Przemyslaw Marczak <p.marc...@samsung.com> wrote:
> Hello Simon,
> On 08/31/2015 03:22 PM, Simon Glass wrote:
>> Hi Przemyslaw,
>> On 28 August 2015 at 07:59, Przemyslaw Marczak <p.marc...@samsung.com> wrote:
>>> This patchset adds:
>>> - define the CPU name for Chromebook Peach Pi as Exynos5800
>>> - set the cpu id of Exynos5422 to 0x5422
>>> - S2MPS11 PMIC I/O driver
>>> - Exynos5420-compatible (9-channel, 12-bit) ADC driver
>>> - board detection for Odroid XU3 / XU3lite / XU4
>>> This was tested on Odroid XU3 and XU3 Lite, without the XU4,
>>> but I'm waiting for reply from the Odroid forum users.
>>> Tested with buildman for samsung.
>>> Available on github:
>>> https://github.com/bobenstein/u-boot/tree/xu3-patchset-test
>>> Przemyslaw Marczak (7):
>>>    s5p: cpu_info: use defined CPU name if available
>>>    peach-pi: define CPU name for SoC Exynos5800
>>>    Exynos5422/5800: set cpu id to 0x5422
>>>    dm: pmic: add s2mps11 PMIC I/O driver
>>>    odroid-xu3: enable s2mps11 PMIC support
>>>    Exynos: add internal ADC driver
>>>    exynos5-dt: add board detection for Odroid XU3/XU3L/XU4.
>> It's nice to have things automatic. Is this easier than having a
>> separate device tree for each board?
>> Regards
>> Simon
> In my intention was using a single U-Boot binary (u-boot-dtb.bin) with the 
> three almost full compatible boards.
> This is also easier for other developers, who don't need care about few 
> configs and few dtb's.
> And finally this code can load proper dtb for Linux Kernel for each supported 
> board. So in the next part (Linux boot), things are done clean.
> The common board file is quite messy because of this code, so if you don't 
> like it, then I can move it to independent file.

I don't think it matters that much. I'm not keen on the #ifdef
CONFIG_REVISION_TAG - can you instead check the board compatible
string? The code should be generic to exynos5.

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