On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 7:22 PM, Alexander Holler <hol...@ahsoftware.de> wrote:

> I've not said that I want such a hack in u-boot.

Well, you wrote:

"If the gpio command would be enabled, it would even be possible to reset the
BRCM- WLAN and Bluetooth modules by just adding some stuff to uEnv.txt."

This sounds like a real hack for me, sorry.

> In fact I said that I don't want your hack in u-boot. My suggestion is
> to enable the gpio-command in order to make it possible to do stuff like
> checking for board revisions without having to modify u-boot at all (the
> binary as well as the source).

Your suggestion would not work if we use Falcon mode, for example.

> As long as u-boot doesn't (have to) care about the board-revision, I
> don't see the need to add such stuff to a board-file.

U-boot needs to care about board revision to load the correct dtb file.


Fabio Estevam
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