On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 08:03:12PM +0200, Alexander Holler wrote:
> Am 24.05.2015 um 19:29 schrieb Alexander Holler:
> >Am 24.05.2015 um 16:27 schrieb Fabio Estevam:
> >>Hi Stefano and Alexander,
> >>
> >>On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 4:43 AM, Stefano Babic <sba...@denx.de> wrote:
> >>
> >>>>Wouldn't it be better to just enable CONFIG_CMD_GPIO and then change
> >>>>the
> >>>>boot-script in the config to something like "if gpio ..." instead of
> >>>>adding something special?
> >>>>
> >>>>Assuming the gpio command works on imx, which I haven't tested or
> >>>>looked
> >>>>up.
> >>>
> >>>gpio works - this is really a good idea, moving the check into the
> >>>script. Fabio, what do you mind ?
> >>
> >>I think the idea is good, thanks.
> >>
> >>I wanted to keep consistency with the mx6cuboxi implementation (which
> >>was based on TI's implementation suggested by Tom during the review of
> >>the mx6cuboxi patches).
> >>
> >>Also, the gpio script idea would work fine for selecting the dtb file,
> >>but not inside checkboard() function, where I print the board revision
> >>name.
> >
> >Printing the board revision in the script is as easy as selecting the dtb.
> >
> >>Other aspect I thought is the fact that in case we have another
> >>revision of the board in the future, I think that C code is more
> >>flexible for handling it.
> >
> >Not really. Then it it would need again a patch for the C source. Using
> >the gpio command one could just change the check even by just changing
> >uEnv.txt. Look at how long it now needed until someone did this patch
> >(your patch) for u-boot.
> >
> >>So I like the idea of gpio script, but I would prefer to keep the
> >>current implementation if possible due to the reasons stated above.
> >
> >I would suggest to change the stuff for mx6cuboxi to use the gpio
> >command too instead of taking the same (imho wrong) approach.
> >
> >But enough said from me, I don't really care. ;)
> Hmm, just one comment more.
> If the gpio command would be enabled, it would even be possible to
> reset the BRCM- WLAN and Bluetooth modules by just adding some stuff
> to uEnv.txt. So at least WLAN would reliable work even after a
> reboot or reset, without the need for the rfkill-driver. Also the
> wandboard-rfkill-driver has more advantages, e.g. the rfkill. ;)

The gpio command should be enabled and the series that consolidates all
of the common mx6 options into a single config file to inherit does so,


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