With the advent of CI+ for DVB (the european-originated version of
    digital TV meanwhile used in several parts of the world), the cable
    operators have the possibility to only allow descrambling by CI+
    capable receivers/descrambling modules. However, to be CI+ compliant,
    all receivers and descrambling modules have to be certified and have
    to authenticate against each other to prevent CI+-compliant operation
    if this authentication fails.

Cable decoders as such are not DRM, but CI+ is DRM.

Products designed to meet this specification are an attack on people's
freedom.  Making these products is inexcusable.  People should protest
them, not buy them.

    Needless to mention that you have to prove secure boot to get CI+
    certification (and thus a valid certificate).

    There's much more to this, but I hope you get the idea.

I get the idea: the plan is simply evil.  It is designed to subjugate
users.  The reason for the installation info requirements in GPLv3 is
so that our software cannot be used for this.

Governments which have passed such laws are the enemies of their citizens.
Fighting back against the companies which make these products
is the first step for the citizens to reconquer their own countries.
DRM systems like this ought to be illegal.

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