If the cell phone operator's "rule" says that operating of a modified 
    should not effect non-modified devices in close proximity (jamming - which 
    think meets the "materially and adversely affects the operation of the 
    network" statement)

It makes no difference, because the text in GPLv3 says nothing about
this.  It does not say that the network operator power gets all power
he might "need" to enforce whatever rules he may make.  It only
recognizes that he is allowed to deny access to use his own network.

    Right - but the cell phone provider should have the ability to
    alter the state of the device (not allow the radio to be turned
    on), so it can't "adversely affects the operation of the network"
    - shouldn't they?

No, they should not have such power.  And in fact they do not have
such power, with phones not tied to one provider.

It is impossible to stop people from making radio jammers, so it is
pointless to go to excess just to block one of the many possible

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