On Tue 30 Jun 2009 15:12, Richard Stallman pondered:
>     Maybe you should be working with these types of certification
>     authorities, rather than individual developers?
> I would be glad to do so.  I have no contacts in the FDA, and I am not
> so famous that mere mention of my name would make them pay attention.
> But maybe some of these developers could introduce me to someone
> useful to talk with.  If you know them, would you like to try?

Can't promise much - but I can poke around.

>     I'm sure that you could get a meeting with 
>     Ms Hamburg or Aneesh Chopra before I could
> Who are they?  Can you tell me how to contact them?

Aneesh Chopra was Virginia’s Fourth Secretary of Technology, and has recently 
been sworn in as the Federal CTO.


>     http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/CommissionersPage/default.htm
> I will send mail to fetch that page.
> If I see any chance of discussing this with them, I will at that point
> want to read the relevant certifications so that I can speak with them
> fully briefed.

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