
The board I am working on, is based on the Freescale sabrelite board, the manufacturer provides support for it , as an about 1000 lines patch that applies to rel_imx_3.0.35_4.1.0
(3.0.35_4.1.0 is the kernel version I am using)

As that freescale version is too old for me (that is, it does not have support for USB or splashscreen),
I would like to use the latest version of mainline u-boot.

I am a little puzzled, when I see that sabrelite support has been removed from main, it seems to have been replaced by the nitrogen board, so my manufacturer patch -badly- applies, especially due to the disparition of flash_header.S ...

I quickly found out that attempting a git rebase of rel_imx_3.0.35_4.1.0 to master was a bad idea, too.

So what would be the easiest and time less costing option to achieve what I want to do ?

Best regards

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