
>>  }
>>  unsigned char mmc_board_init(void)
> unsigned char?
> why

in omap3_mmc.c, many functions return the unsigned char.
I don't know why too :(
but if we need it can be changed.

>> +    switch (curr_device) {
>> +    case 1:
>> +            writel(readl(&t2_base->pbias_lite) | PBIASLITEPWRDNZ1 |
>> +                    PBIASSPEEDCTRL0 | PBIASLITEPWRDNZ0,
>> +                    &t2_base->pbias_lite);
>> -    writel(readl(&t2_base->devconf0) | MMCSDIO1ADPCLKISEL,
>> -            &t2_base->devconf0);
>> +            writel(readl(&t2_base->devconf0) | MMCSDIO1ADPCLKISEL,
>> +                    &t2_base->devconf0);
>> +            break;
>> +    case 2:
>> +    case 3:
>> +            writel(readl(&t2_base->devconf1) | MMCSDIO2ADPCLKISEL,
>> +                    &t2_base->devconf1);
>> +            break;
>> +    }
> please only active code when the user activate the mmcx support
> how your driver will work it I want to have two mmc support at the sametime??

I announced the patch for mmc command (but not applied yet)
please check it

>> +int mmc_legacy_init(int dev)
>>  {
>> +    if (mmc_set_dev(dev) != 0)
>> +            return 1;
>> +
> btw it will better to move to the new Framework

new Framework is what?
do you mean generic mmc?

>>  /*
>>   * OMAP HSMMC register definitions
>>   */
>> -#define OMAP_HSMMC_BASE             0x4809C000
>> +#define OMAP_HSMMC_BASE_MMC1        0x4809C000
>> +#define OMAP_HSMMC_BASE_MMC2        0x480B4000
>> +#define OMAP_HSMMC_BASE_MMC3        0x480AD000
> it's really a shame that TI does not make it in order and at the same shift
> so we could do this
> #define OMAP_HSMMC_BASE(x) (0x4809C000 + (shift << x))

right but.. I can't find any patterns for OMAP's HSMMC register.
also HSMMC register is defined separately at linux kernel code
(please see arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/mmc.h)

Many thanks
Minkyu Kang
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