> By this patch, the MMC controller actually used is configured by
> CONFIG_MMC_INDEX at compile time? I.e. setting CONFIG_MMC_INDEX to 1
> will use mmc1, 2 will switch to mmc2 and CONFIG_MMC_INDEX 3 will
> switch to mmc3?
> If I got this right, do you think we can do this at runtime? E.g.
> implementing a custom command
> select_mmc <# of mmc controller to be used>
> ?
> With this, we could switch to mmc2 by doing something like
> select_mmc 2
> and afterwards all mmc read/write access will go to mmc2.
> What do you think?

Surely possible.
As you known, there is no interface for selecting device.
Can I add new command for that? (E.g. mmcselect <device num>)

And I want to change the mmcinit command too.
I.e. getting dev num by argument.
like this

mmcinit <device num>

If that is not in, we must select mmc device before mmcinit.
How about this? There exist any side effects?

Thanks :)
Minkyu Kang

from. prom.
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