Hi everybody !

I am currently trying to flash u-boot into my MPC8272ADS board, but it
is not working.
When I am launching the "PROG" command, it tells:
"Programming u-boot.bin , please wait ....
# Programming flash memory failed at 0x00000000"

I also tried to launch:
>prog 0xFF800000 u-boot.bin
Programming u-boot.bin , please wait ....
# Programming flash memory failed at 0xff800002

Erasing my flash is OK.
Erasing flash at 0xff800000
Erasing flash at 0xff840000
Erasing flash at 0xff880000
Erasing flash at 0xff8c0000
Erasing flash at 0xff900000
Erasing flash at 0xff940000
Erasing flash at 0xff980000
Erasing flash at 0xffec0000
Erasing flash at 0xfff00000
Erasing flash at 0xfff40000
Erasing flash at 0xfff80000
Erasing flash at 0xfffc0000
Erasing flash passed

Please find my config file attached.
Thx & Best Regards

Attachment: ads8272.cfg
Description: Binary data

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