>> No, it is not. I would say, the first byte is OK (I don't have the
>> board with me right now).
> OK, if the chip isn't erased properly, you aren't going to make any headway
> programming.  You have to solve the erase problem first.
> Is the block you are trying to erase locked?

>> The Flash chip is a SIMM with 4 LH28F016SCT chips.
>> When I try to use a 32 bits wide bus, it does not work.
> That implies the bus is 32 bits wide made up of 4 x8 chips in parallel.  It
> is possible that it is wired 16 bits wide or 8 bits wide by 2 or 4 chips
> deep, but that is very unlikely.
> Is this a stock Freescale eval board or is it custom h/w?
This is a freescale board.

> The config file you sent had:
> CHIPTYPE    I28BX8      ; Flash type
> CHIPSIZE    0x200000    ; Single chip size (2 Mbyte)
> BUSWIDTH    8           ; total width for the whole SIMM
> ;WORKSPACE   0x7e000000 ;workspace in target RAM for fast download
> FILE        u-boot.bin
> FORMAT      BIN 0xFF900000
> Searching for the chip type picks up:
> <http://www.datasheetcatalog.org/datasheet/Sharp/mXusvqq.pdf>
> Searching for Abatron flash types picks up:
> <http://www.abatron.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/products/pdf/flashsupp.pdf>
> OK, looks like you have the right chiptype.
> The buswidth most likely needs to be 32.  You said you tried this and it
> didn't work.
No, it didn't. It just said that erasing was not working. I will tell
you more tomorrow.

> Running low on suggestions, but here goes...
> * Fix the buswidth in the config file and then cycle power on everything to
> make sure you have a clean new configuration (paranoia sometimes pays off)
What do you mean by "cycle power on everything" ?

> * Verify the SIMM is x32.
Huh ? How ?

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