> OK, Freescale engineers on/off the list should be able to help.  This really
> shouldn't be hard.
I hope so :)

>>> Running low on suggestions, but here goes...
>>> * Fix the buswidth in the config file and then cycle power on everything
>>> to
>>> make sure you have a clean new configuration (paranoia sometimes pays
>>> off)
>> What do you mean by "cycle power on everything" ?
> The Abatron picks up its configuration file via TFTP (IIRC, otherwise FTP)
> from the host.  You need to fix the file on the host so it has the x32
> configuration.  After fixing the file on the host, you need to reset/cycle
> power on the Abatron so it re-reads the config file, otherwise it will be
> using the old (wrong) config file.
> Sometimes I forget <rolls eyes>.  Major confusion ensues, followed by a
> facepalm moment. <http://www.facepalm.org/>
OK, I can understand what you meant ;)

>>> * Verify the SIMM is x32.
>> Huh ? How ?
> It's x32 unless I'm really confused.
Yes, I mean, how can I *verify* that it is x32 ?

Thx again.
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