Sean Turner writes: > BCP 79 makes this important point: > (b) The IETF, following normal processes, can decide to use > technology for which IPR disclosures have been made if it decides > that such a use is warranted. covers that argument (giving the same quote), and also covers the following counterargument: "this is overridden by BCP 79âs subsequent text (quoted above) imposing a more specific requirement upon mandatory-to-implement security technology and imposing a higher bar for exceptions". The page also distinguishes the two separate BCP 79 requirements at issue. What matters at adoption time is BCP 79's change-control requirement; that requirement doesn't have the same exceptions. The other requirement can be met after adoption, as I explained before, so I think the TLS discussion of that can and should be deferred, especially if people are confusing it with the change-control requirement. Note that this differs from the situation in LAMPS, where a spec is on the same patented algorithm but is at a different WG stage (last call), forcing consideration of both of the BCP 79 issues (if that spec can reach consensus otherwise, which hasn't been established at this point). Anyway, includes links for all of these arguments and counterarguments. I believe the page covers every point that has been raised, structured in a way that shows when point B is in response to point A. I'd appreciate it if anyone who sees anything missing can let me know, of course on list for transparency. ---D. J. Bernstein
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