> On 13 Dec 2024, at 09:43, Jay Daley <j...@staff.ietf.org> wrote:
> Hi Daniel
>> On 13 Dec 2024, at 06:28, D. J. Bernstein <d...@cr.yp.to> wrote:
>> RFC 9680 coauthor writes:
>>> If, on the other hand, your concern is that there has been a failure
>>> of IETF processes that has created an antitrust risk, then the
>>> appropriate course of action is to follow the appropriate IETF process
>>> for addressing that.
>> RFC 9680 says that it's "generally inappropriate" to discuss "market
>> opportunities for specific companies". What's the IETF process for
>> addressing violations of RFC 9680?
> RFC 9680 is not a policy but an informational document, including information 
> on an escalation path for antitrust concerns, and so there is no concept of 
> “violations of RFC 9680”.  RFC 9680 carefully says “generally inappropriate” 
> for the topics to avoid because there is a vast grey area here.  The decision 
> on whether or not any specific action is inappropriate rests with the IETF 
> community through its structure and processes.  
> The role of IETF Counsel is to provide advice to IETF leadership to support 
> their formal decision making role as set out in these processes, but neither 
> they nor I have any powers beyond that.  I took your note to me as invoking 
> the escalation path that RFC 9680 provides information on and consulted with 
> counsel and the response is, as previously conveyed, that your concern should 
> be addressed through the standards process.

For the avoidance of doubt - by "note to me" I meant copying me in and 
specifically addressing me in your message to the WG list, not something 


Jay Daley
IETF Executive Director

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