Hi Daniel

> On 13 Dec 2024, at 06:28, D. J. Bernstein <d...@cr.yp.to> wrote:
> RFC 9680 coauthor writes:
>> If, on the other hand, your concern is that there has been a failure
>> of IETF processes that has created an antitrust risk, then the
>> appropriate course of action is to follow the appropriate IETF process
>> for addressing that.
> RFC 9680 says that it's "generally inappropriate" to discuss "market
> opportunities for specific companies". What's the IETF process for
> addressing violations of RFC 9680?

RFC 9680 is not a policy but an informational document, including information 
on an escalation path for antitrust concerns, and so there is no concept of 
“violations of RFC 9680”.  RFC 9680 carefully says “generally inappropriate” 
for the topics to avoid because there is a vast grey area here.  The decision 
on whether or not any specific action is inappropriate rests with the IETF 
community through its structure and processes.  

The role of IETF Counsel is to provide advice to IETF leadership to support 
their formal decision making role as set out in these processes, but neither 
they nor I have any powers beyond that.  I took your note to me as invoking the 
escalation path that RFC 9680 provides information on and consulted with 
counsel and the response is, as previously conveyed, that your concern should 
be addressed through the standards process.

I believe you will be getting an email in due course from the WG chairs that 
explains that further and addresses the rest of your points.


Jay Daley
IETF Executive Director

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