Tim Hollebeek writes:
  [ regarding "composite and hybrid" ]
> To be clear, the draft says absolutely nothing about either of those
> two topics

To be clear, that's not a good thing. The draft is deviating from the
normal, amply justified security practices regarding PQ deployment. The
resulting security risks are on topic.

> ML-DSA support for TLS is obvious and straightforward.

Concatenated ECC+Dilithium support for TLS is obvious, straightforward,
and less risky than the draft at hand. The counterarguments don't hold
up to examination; see https://blog.cr.yp.to/20240102-hybrid.html.

For dilithium2, keys are 1312 bytes and signatures are 2420 bytes. A
typical ECC signature system adds 32 bytes and 64 bytes respectively.

---D. J. Bernstein

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