
It doesn't make sense to me, especially considering the WG has adopted


TLS 1.3 is 6+ years old, for those counting.

Ekr wrote:
> There's nothing stopping people deploying this if they want to and in
fact there
> is already a code point assigned. However, the TLS WG should not take up
this work.

That sounds right to me.


On Fri, Nov 22, 2024 at 9:02 AM Andrew Campling
<andrew.campling@419.consulting> wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 22, 2024 at 16:46 Watson Ladd <watsonbl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > How on earth would providing another incompatible set of suggestions
> help? No matter what text was in there it would still raise the question of
> what people should be doing.
> Hi Watson
> You may of course not believe that this is a problem or that it is not
> something that the working group needs to solve.  I wouldn’t suggest
> starting with “another incompatible set of suggestions” unless you believe
> that the previous efforts were not useful(?).
> If you agree with the previous post from Yaron that there is a problem
> then it seems reasonable to come up with a proposal on how best to address
> the current lack of clarity.  One way to do that is to incorporate updated
> text into the TLS-LTS draft, and any others that touch on TLS 1.2, making
> sure that it communicates clearly to implementers and others the relative
> positions of TLS 1.2, TLS-LTS and TLS 1.3 with reference RFC 9325 and any
> other relevant documents etc.  Using this consistently from now on ought to
> help.
> There are other ways to address this problem if you agree that it needs to
> be addressed.
> Andrew
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