On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 10:57:43AM -0700 or thereabouts, Michelle Dukich wrote:
> 1. We tried to use Mahogany and slurped all our old
> emails over to it. It is COMPLETELY useless to search
> for old messages by keyword which is a BIG need for
> us. From what I have read in Sven's Man pages, it is
> indeed searchable. Is this true?
Searchable by the standard commandline tools
(grep thing Mail/receive*) or by a keybinding which is
usually escape-V (or do I mean escape-B? I forget :))
to search for a pattern in the bodies of all messages
in the folder you're in.
> 2. Can and how do we get all our emails from Mahogany
> over to Mutt...with as little fuss and muss as
> possible?
I have been looking at the Mahogany web page but it doesn't
seem to say anything about mail formats. "slurped all our
old emails" to it makes it sound like it uses a different
format from whatever you last used, but I can't find out
what mahogany uses.
> 3. Can we cut and paste text within and between
> emails with Mutt?
Well, you can run two mutts open on different messages
and cut and paste like that.
> Any pointers/suggestions anyone else can give are
> greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Only thing I can think of is that mahogany is GUI, I believe?
Mutt is firmly, adamantly, text-based. It will do things like
display pics if you tell it to, but it assumes you may be
reading on a console so it won't do that by default. (It
tells you the attachment is present, and you can either
open them on a "as you meet them" basis, or you can set it
up always to open certain sorts.
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