Hello Michelle,
On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 10:57:43AM -0700, Michelle Dukich wrote:
> 1. We tried to use Mahogany and slurped all our old
> emails over to it. It is COMPLETELY useless to search
> for old messages by keyword which is a BIG need for
> us. From what I have read in Sven's Man pages, it is
> indeed searchable. Is this true?
You can search your mails by keywords, I use that very often coz there
are many mailinglists and often I remember when I have some trouble that
I already read about it somewhere.
> 2. Can and how do we get all our emails from Mahogany
> over to Mutt...with as little fuss and muss as
> possible?
Never heard of Mahogany...so what type of mailboxes does it use?
> 3. Can we cut and paste text within and between
> emails with Mutt?
What editor do you plan to use for that?
Normaly the editor appears in the same terminal mutt is in, so you can't
take a look at other mails then, but only on that one -quoted- you are
going to reply to. BUT you can open another mutt in another terminal if
you like to or maybe you can change the editor command to make it open
in a new terminal. That shouldn't be much trouble, but I already never
tried. OR you can quit the editor and get back to mutt and press 'q',
then it will ask to hold the message back. When you press 'm' for new
mail you will be able to finish the mail you begun.
Hope that helps a little, but you'll see: mutt rocks ;-)
.''`. [Arvid Warnecke] [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] [05323-715724]
: :' : [ICQ 55906559] [ http://up.to/suck ] [PGP-Subject:"get pgp key"]
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