On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 10:57:43AM -0700, Michelle Dukich wrote:
> Hello all:
> Okay, a while back I asked for recommendations for an
> email client for Linux and the overwhelming favorite
> was Mutt.  I am getting ready to download Mutt for my
> friend and I who have a few serious issues we want to
> address first.
> 1.  We tried to use Mahogany and slurped all our old
> emails over to it.  It is COMPLETELY useless to search
> for old messages by keyword which is a BIG need for
> us.  From what I have read in Sven's Man pages, it is
> indeed searchable.  Is this true?
> 2.  Can and how do we get all our emails from Mahogany
> over to Mutt...with as little fuss and muss as
> possible?
> 3.  Can we cut and paste text within and between
> emails with Mutt?
> Any pointers/suggestions anyone else can give are
> greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
Go read Telsa's Mail Tinkering page, lots of handy stuff in there.

> Michelle


Steph Donovan, Ottawa Linux Symposium, http://www.linuxsymposium.org
613-688-0707 (voice) -- 613-688-0708 (fax)    
200-139 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario  K1P 5N7 

"Underneath every Cynic is a disappointed Idealist."
                                - George Carlin

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