Hello all:

Okay, a while back I asked for recommendations for an
email client for Linux and the overwhelming favorite
was Mutt.  I am getting ready to download Mutt for my
friend and I who have a few serious issues we want to
address first.

1.  We tried to use Mahogany and slurped all our old
emails over to it.  It is COMPLETELY useless to search
for old messages by keyword which is a BIG need for
us.  From what I have read in Sven's Man pages, it is
indeed searchable.  Is this true?

2.  Can and how do we get all our emails from Mahogany
over to Mutt...with as little fuss and muss as

3.  Can we cut and paste text within and between
emails with Mutt?

Any pointers/suggestions anyone else can give are
greatly appreciated.  Thanks.


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